The Guzzle H2O Effect

Have you ever been out camping or hiking and realised you either forgot to pack water or perhaps ran out? You didn’t calculate the number of people, heat, exertion and number of litres required to satisfy and ensure hydration was in check? 

If that has happened to you, don’t worry, you’re not alone!

To combat lack of water, running out or potentially dangerous situations any camper or Off-Gridder may find themselves in, Off-Grid Adventure Co has partnered with Guzzle H20 rehydrating you in no time. 

The Guzzle H2o system is compact, portable and can be used in lakes, streams,Guzzle H20 campground faucets. Within moments the system provides clean, safe water for drinking. Check out the Guzzle H2o Steam for your on-the-go option. 

Maybe you’re looking for something more robust, something that can be fixed within your camper, caravan or boat, Guzzle Stealththe Guzzle Stealth is a system to consider. This unit is easy to install, and all the work is under the counter and turns your sketchy onboard tank water into something safe to drink and great tasting as well.

Guzzle products have a carbon filter which means that it filters out chlorine byproducts and VOCs to produce clean water. Carbon block filters are capable of removing pollutants, including metals such as lead. Carbon block filters also remove microbiological contaminants from drinking water, including waterborne pathogens. Thus, keeping your family and fellow campers hydrated and safe. 

For all associated Guzzle products, check out our shop here.